Sakura in the time of Covid

Our Sakura trees put on one of the most beautiful shows they have ever done for us this spring of the Covid year 2020. This was one of the best years for length and variety of the cherry blossoms, and people could enjoy them safely outdoors, while respecting the virus protocol. Thankfully, no distancing was required between Sakura admirers and the natural beauty surrounding them.

Our landscape designers provided this message and the photos from this spring:

“In this time of physical distancing, the efforts of so many entities and volunteers have provided such a beautiful, healing place when our hearts can rest. In only 11 years, 254 Sakura trees were planted at Allegheny County North Park by hundreds of volunteers. [When they were at their peak and in full bud] the Sakura loop [could be] walked, biked, driven, kayaked.

Wishing you peace and health,

Kary and RickArimoto + Mercer LLC”