Garden in the Parks 2014

Garden in the Parks Field Day at North Park

Saturday, August 16 was a festive day at North Park.  Allegheny County Penn State Master Gardeners organizes this fun and educational day annually.

The flower gardens were in full bloom and the potato bed was ready to dig. Free ice cream was a big attraction, as always. The tomato tasting table created a line too. Plant Q&A by the master gardeners was a great idea. I asked about my viburnum’s eaten leaves (it turns out the pest is viburnum leaf beetle). I got a Lyme disease brochure. Many native plants were for sale, which were hard to resist.

There were other tables and tents of environmental organizations, and Pittsburgh Sakura Project was one of them! Many people stopped by and asked about us. We had 2 volunteers, Alexandra and Frederica who were good at talking to people. They even attracted a woman who made a donation! People admire our project and many promised to come to the planting day on November 8.

Volunteers: Alexandra and Frederica

Board Members: Reiko and Yoko

Free ice cream (I did not pay attention to which organization was offering)pastedGraphic.pdf